Setelah bencana gempa dan Tsunami melanda Jepang Jum'at lalu, majalah Malaysia Berita Minggu mempublikasikan sebuah karikatur di kolom editorial mereka pada hari minggu yang menunjukkan tokoh Tokusatsu terkenal Ultraman berlari menghindari gelombang Tsunami.
Berita ini mendapat banyak kritik luar biasa dari para pembaca, yang berpendapat bahwa editor tersebut "tidak berperasaan". Beberapa pemimpin politik bahkan telah menyatakan permintaan maaf kepada publik.
Pernyataan permintaan maaf dikeluarkan di situs resmi dan di situs jejaring sosial, seperti Facebook dan Twitter, mengatakan bahwa Berita Harian "tidak bermaksud membuat lelucon" pada bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Jepang pada hari Jumat.
Surat kabar itu menyatakan simpati mereka dan menyatakan untuk merasakan penderitaan rakyat Jepang.
Disclaimer: Posting ini tidak mengandung pendapat pribadi saya. Semua info yang tertulis di sini berasal dari sumber lain.
sumber: CNN iReport, Sky News Today,
Post dari JeFusion:
After the massive quake and tsunami that hit Japan last Friday, Malaysian newspaper Berita Harian published a caricature in their editor's column on Sunday that depicts the popular tokusatsu hero Ultraman trying to outrun an incoming tsunami.
The publication has received tremendous criticisms by readers, who accuse the editors as being "inconsiderate and distasteful". Several political leaders have even stepped out and demand a public apology.
The statement of apology was issued on the official site and on social networking sites, like Facebook and Twitter, said that Berita Harian had "no intention of poking fun" at the disastrous earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday.
The newspaper expressed their sympathy and stated to feel the suffering of the people of Japan.
Source: CNN iReport, Sky News Today
Post dari CNNi Report:
iReport —
Local Malaysian newspaper Berita Harian published a caricature in their editor's column today that depicts the popular Japanese cartoon character Ultraman as trying to outrun an incoming tsunami.
The publication has received tremendous criticisms by readers, who accuse the editors as being "inconsiderate and distasteful". Several political leaders have even stepped out and demand a public apology, to which the editors promptly made on their publication's Facebook fan page.
Post dari Sky News Today:
Post dari Sky News Today:
Malaysian newspaper has been criticized
KUALA LUMPUR – A Malaysian newspaper has apologized for loading Japanese superhero Ultraman cartoon character who tried to save themselves from the pursuit of tsunami waves.
Malaysian citizens gave a strong reaction to the Malay-language newspaper Daily News that contains these caricatures. Criticism emerged through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Meanwhile, some political leaders calling for a boycott of the newspaper.
The statement of apology was issued on the official site and the Daily News on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter say, the Daily News did not intend to mock the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. Thus quoted from the Associated Press on Monday (3/14/2011).
The newspaper expressed his sympathy and stated to feel the suffering of the people of Japan.
The Daily Mail newspaper caricatures of the column load image editor that describes the Japanese superhero Ultraman trying to save themselves from the pursuit of tsunami waves on Sunday, March 13.
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